We are a church of people from different cultures and backgrounds. We are here to help people meet God, to grow in relationship with one another and to make a difference in today’s world. Our aim is to create a sacred space where all feel valued, loved and able to play a part in God’s great plan.
You are welcome – whether or not you are a Christian, unsure about what you believe, or just curious. Or simply come and join us for a coffee!
We meet for worship each Sunday morning at 10.30am, and we love to welcome anyone to join us as we praise God and explore the Christian faith together. Our services are lively and contemporary and usually led by a worship band whose repertoire includes both current worship songs and more traditional hymns. Communion is celebrated on the third Sunday of each month. As an expression of our love for one another, regular opportunities are provided for people to receive prayer and pastoral support.
We are continuing to live stream Sunday services at 10.30am on YouTube. Past sermons are available here.
We also have many groups and activities for all ages continuing on zoom, so please contact the office to connect with one of these.