You are so welcome to join us for any of our Christmas services at Pinner Baptist Church.
Advent Services
Special services in the lead up to Christmas where we’ll light an Advent candle each week.
Every Sunday in December, 10.30am at Paines Lane & Hatch End
Carol Services
Join us for traditional carols, followed by mulled wine and mince pies at both our sites, Paines Lane and Hatch End.
Sunday 15th December, 4pm at Hatch End & 5pm at Paines Lane
Kaleidoscope Christmas Service
A service aimed at seniors, although all are welcome, and followed by a Christmas Tea.
Tuesday 17th December, 2pm at Paines Lane
Christingle Service & Tea Party
Pick up a Christingle, join in the procession around the church, and join us for a Tea Party with lots of Christmas treats. This is aimed at children, but all are welcome!
To save your space, please email
Monday 23rd December, 4pm at Paines Lane
Christmas Family Service
Join us as we celebrate Christmas Day with a family service. If you’d like to, you’re welcome to wear your favourite Christmas jumper!
Wednesday 25th December, 10.30 at Paines Lane