Welcome to the giving page for Pinner Baptist Church.
Because God is generous, we believe we are also called to be generous with our lives and resources and, this includes our finances. God calls all His followers to respond wisely and faithfully in order that our churches and communities become places of hope and spiritual revival.
There are many things that we as a church family believe God has called us to be and to do, as we seek to see more and more people reached, restored and released in Jesus’ name. When you give to Pinner Baptist Church, it is that vision and those opportunities that you are giving to. Everything we do in and through our church services, ministries, outreach work and missions support, are made possible by your generous giving.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 NIV
Please consider donating online or have a look at some of the other ways you can give below. If you have any questions about giving, please get in touch with us at office@pinnerbaptist.org.uk and we can help you out.
Giving online, through our giving platform Stewardship, is easy and secure. You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular gift by clicking below and following the instructions. If you wish to, you could also Gift Aid your donation.
Please note: a small percentage of your donation goes to Stewardship for financial administration.
You can give directly to us through online banking. There is no additional cost to you or us by giving this way.
Set up a Standing Order
Monthly giving via standing order is vital to our work and mission as it enables us to plan for the work God has called us to do in the church and wider community. This can be done by instructing your bank to set up a regular Standing Order. Please contact the church office for details on how to do this.
Gift Aid – Are You a UK Taxpayer?
If you are a UK Taxpayer, we can reclaim the tax element of your gift, meaning we get an extra 25p for every £1 you give. We would really appreciate you doing this for both one-off and regular donations. A Gift Aid form can be downloaded below. All records of giving are maintained confidentially.
Please hand in or send the completed form to: Gift Aid Secretary, Pinner Baptist Church, Paines Lane, Pinner HA5 3BL
Card Reader
Use our Giving Station located in the church foyer for contactless or chip and pin donations. You can donate with a debit or credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. You can also Gift Aid your card reader donations.
Offering Box
The wall-mounted Offering Box in the church foyer can be used for cash donations and cheques.
To give via cheque, please make the cheque out to ‘Pinner Baptist Church’ and either give it via an envelope at a Sunday service or post it to the address shared in our contact information.
Thank you for your financial support of God’s work through Pinner Baptist Church.
Pinner Baptist Church is a registered charity in England and Wales
Registered Charity Number 1169957